Sport Accessories

THE original from ANSCHÜTZ

Here you will find our original ANSCHÜTZ accessories specially developed for the target shooting . You can also find our complete range of accessories in our current sales price list, which you can download here.

benchrestSOLID rail with grip ++++

item no.: 015407

The SOLID benchrest rail prevents any wobbling and slipping of the sports equipment due to its weight and the 2-point support. The benchrest rail can be moved and tilted sideways by up to 35 degrees. Due to the grip, the hand is not on top when shooting at bench rest shooting , but safely and with excellent "pull" downwards on the underside of the rifle. This prevents the rifle from accidentally tipping away. Another advantage is that the hand is not in the target picture. The SOLID benchrest rail is also suitable for the small bore benchrest shooting and complies with the valid ISSF and DSB rules.

Technical data

60 mm
615 g
50 mm
470 mm
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