ANSCHÜTZ test day at MSZU

Together with the MSZU in Ulm, ANSCHÜTZ was able to organize a test day on 28.04.2023 in one of the largest indoor shooting ranges in Europe. The focus was on the new ANSCHÜTZ APR models (APR = ANSCHÜTZ Precision Rifle), which could be tested in different calibers and at different distances. To get even closer to the PRS (Precision Rifle Shooting) feeling the team of the MSZU has spared no effort and in the apron so-called barricades established, objects on which dynamically in different positions can be shot. Another highlight were the steel targets (gongs) provided by the MSZU, which were positioned at 300m. Thus, each hit was not only visually, but also clearly acoustically perceived.

Besides the newly created APR models we also had a selection of our big bore caliber hunting rifles. For almost a decade ANSCHÜTZ has been serving this sector with high quality hunting rifles. Here, too, our production and the expert hands of our final assembly shine with the company's own core competences such as the silky smooth bolt movement and the precise barrels and trigger systems that are second to none. These rifles were also able to be tested by shooters at all distances provided with outstanding results. The offer to test the rifles extensively was taken advantage of by many interested parties throughout the day and the shooting range was consistently well attended.

Despite sometimes somewhat longer waiting times, the atmosphere on the shooting range was positive throughout. Also thanks to our weapons, which immediately rewarded every shooter with an excellent test fire group . The interest and positive feedback on our products were overwhelming for us.

In the entrance area of the MSZU could we were able to set up an ANSCHÜTZ information booth. This was supported by our sales team filled it with life. All of them were able to have positive conversations. Questions that could not be clarified in the gun smoke of the shooting range were answered here clarified in detail. Some customers had travelled from Stuttgart, Munich or even Switzerland to convince themselves of the qualities of the ANSCHÜTZ products products. And of course they were not disappointed. In the course of the day we were able to welcome ANSCHÜTZ employees from assembly, service and logistics who took the opportunity to meet the customers after closing time. used to support their colleagues on site and the customers of MSZU with words and deeds.

At the end of the day, after a few hundred shots, we were able to make about this event an exclusively good résumé.

Thanks to the patient, good-humored shooters, to the employees of the Müller Shooting Center as well as to theMSZU management. Rarely have we had so much fun at an event. Thanks to the MSZU for providing both the shooting rangethe space for our stand as well as the as well as the ammunition provided.

Due to the great popularity and dhe consistently good cooperation with MSZU means that we would be delighted to be able to use this location, which is so unique in Europe, again soon to stage a similarly exciting event.s event throughtoevent.

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